Welcome to the Awareness Magazine

This is the official magazine for the Awareness: Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems Future and Emerging Technologies Proactive Initiative, funded by the European Commission under FP7. Browse from our latest articles below, use our search engine, or view by category using the menu on the left.

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Firefly with me: distributed synchronization of musical agents »

Kristian Nymoen, Arjun Chandra, and Jim Tørresen

A system where individual musical nodes are aware of others and adapt to reach a synchronous state provides a collaborative active music performance for smartphones.
Toward a decentralized and resilient autonomic cloud »

Philip Mayer and Annabelle Klarl

The integration of cloud computing with voluntary computing and peer-to-peer computing can help clouds to become more distributed and dynamic while maintaining reliability.
Reflective systems are a good step towards Aware systems »

Kirstie Bellman

Reflective systems that explicitly reason about themselves are effective and responsive to changes in the environment and to users.
The formal characterization of self-deception »

Andrew J. I. Jones

Current work investigates applying formal logic to the definition of self-deception in humans, and highlights the relevance of the phenomenon to research in informatics.
Norm-aware socio-technical systems »

Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu and Aditya Ghose

Systems under development in several domains consider awareness of normative behaviour as a core element of their design and operation.

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